Get Breastfeeding off to a Smooth Start from the Moment Your Baby Is Born

an expert-led, non-judgmental class for expectant parents

Breastfeeding for Expectant Parents

Get Breastfeeding Off to a Smooth Start from the Moment Your Baby Is Born

an expert-led, non-judgmental class for expectant parents

Breastfeeding for Expectant Parents

 Let’s Be Real. Breastfeeding Can Be Hard.

If you want to breastfeed/bodyfeed your baby, but feel unprepared and unconfident, this class is especially for you. Nursing can be a uniquely soul-nourishing experience with lifelong health benefits for both you and your baby. But the reality is, many new parents find breastfeeding to be challenging.

There’s good news! You don’t need to sit there feeling like 😬. You need clear guidance you can follow so you know exactly what to do to get breastfeeding off to the best possible start. Of course, there’s no way to know how feeding will go before your sweet little one is in your arms. But being prepared ahead of time can make a huge difference. In the same amount of time it takes to watch an episode or two of your favorite Netflix show, you’ll learn fundamentals of breastfeeding that will help you feel calm and in control as you welcome your new baby.  

The Breastfeeding for Expectant Parents class is perfect for you if any of these are true:

  1. You’re not sure what’s normal and what to expect with a breastfed baby.
  2. You’ve rarely or never seen a newborn baby breastfeeding up close.
  3. You’re eager to avoid common problems like low milk supply and nipple pain.
  4. You want to learn how to tell if breastfeeding is going well, and signs it’s time to get help.
  5. You feel anxious about breastfeeding or would like to grow your confidence.
  6. You want to learn the info that’s helped hundreds of families.

Rated Five Stars on Facebook

“I took a breastfeeding class at my hospital and read a book but Mighty Milk’s class was SO MUCH BETTER and easier to follow. I’m feeling a lot better prepared. My husband watched it with me and it was helpful to watch it together so we both have a better idea of what to expect.”

Angela P – Providence, RI

Hi! I’m Kate. This class changed my life.

When I was pregnant with my first baby, I thought I had everything in place: the adorable nursery, endless gear, the perfect recliner. But when he was born, reality struck hard. I was blindsided by the many challenges of breastfeeding. By the time my second baby was born, I knew exactly what to do (and what not to do) to get breastfeeding off to a smooth start. He’s been nursing for a year and counting! And the truth is, when feeding is going well, all of postpartum life feels calmer and less stressful.

I knew I wanted to help other families avoid the pain and frustration that I experienced. So, stared Mighty Milk and teamed up with Lex, a widely respected IBCLC who’s helped hundreds of families reach their feeding goals. Lex teaches you the exact same info that helped me go from struggling with breastfeeding to thriving with it. She gives you clear guidance that can help make breastfeeding a positive experience for you and your baby.

Breastfeed Your Baby With Confidence and Without Fear

Feeding your baby is about so much more than milk. It’s about how you feel as you welcome your baby and begin life as a parent. And it can be rewarding in a way that defies description.

We’re here to help you establish the breastfeeding / bodyfeeding relationship you hope for, so you can have a smooth and peaceful transition to postpartum life.

We’ll hand-hold you through how to get started. No more trying to piece together info or worrying about potentially untrustworthy advice that can backfire. Mighty Milk is rated 5/5 stars by customers.

What You’ll Learn


Learn what to expect and what’s normal with your breastfed baby for everything from frequency of nursing to sleep.


Know what to do from the moment your baby is born. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about skin to skin, positioning baby, latch, and beyond.


Understand why so many mothers struggle with breastfeeding, and learn how to best set yourself up to avoid common challenges like nipple pain.


Find out how often and when to feed your baby. We’re going to tell you why looking at your baby instead of the at clock is super important.


Learn how to tell if your baby is hungry, and if they are swallowing, to avoid feelings to distress for both of you.  


Feel confident that your baby is getting plenty of milk. You’ll learn what it looks like when breastfeeding is going well—and signs you should get help.  


Get tips for maximizing nighttime sleep with your breastfed baby while respecting their needs.


Find out what products can make life easier—and which you may want to avoid.


Learn what to do if you do struggle with breastfeeding, so you can advocate for yourself and your baby.


Build confidence. You’ve got this!

Trusted by Doulas, Pediatricians, Birth Centers, and Families

“I just took the Breastfeeding for Expectant Parents class and I am blown away at the amount of quality information that I just learned in such a short amount of time. I keep thinking of that saying “You don’t know what you don’t know”. That’s exactly how I feel right now… I feel so much better prepared for the first few weeks after my baby will be born. And I can’t believe how fun it was! I had been reading a breastfeeding book but these videos are so much easier to digest. I couldn’t stop watching them.”

Jennifer D

“I am so fortunate to have found this resource a few weeks before the birth of my first baby (now 10 days old!) I honestly don’t know what I would have done over these last 10 days without the guidance Lex has provided both me and my partner. A few simple revolutionary tweaks…were invaluable and got us off on a path of success. I’m convinced my level of confidence would have been much different had I not had this information.”

Lune W

“I’ve just entered my 3rd trimester today, and I feel 100% more confident in the idea of nursing after listening to Lex explain the science behind skin to skin, hunger cues, sleeping, etc.”

Lisa N

“I’m a third-time mom-to-be, and I still found this course so valuable. I wish I had known about it during my first pregnancy and postpartum experience as it could have helped my breastfeeding experience, which was very challenging.”

Emily B

Lex Beach IBCLC

Meet Your Instructor

Lex Beach is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and mother to seven children. She has helped hundreds of newborns and new parents establish successful and rewarding nursing and feeding relationships. 

How Do I know if This Class Is Actually Worth it?

If you want to breastfeed your baby, learning a few key fundamentals now, while you’re expecting, is the #1 best way to set yourself up for success.

Here’s the truth: The first few days after your baby is born are crucial for your longer-term breastfeeding relationship. A rocky start in the first few weeks can snowball quickly and lead to a stressful situation. And when breastfeeding isn’t going well, it can make all of postpartum life feel extra challenging. The opposite is also true. When feeding goes smoothly, those sacred first months with your baby can feel calmer and more rewarding.

Mighty Milk’s class helps you feel more prepared with each passing minute you watch it.

Some breastfeeding classes out there guarantee that nursing will go flawlessly for you, but that’s deceptive. You can be prepared and still need professional support–and that’s okay! We do guarantee this:

By the end of Mighty Milk’s class, you’ll feel more confident and empowered. You’ll know all the fundamentals of how to breastfeed your baby, build a strong milk supply, and nurse without pain. And if you do experience feeding challenges after your baby is born, you’ll be better able to advocate for yourself and your baby. If you finish Mighty Milk’s class and aren’t satisfied, we’ll give you your money back. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Make the choice now to invest in your breastfeeding relationship. Do it for you, your baby, and your postpartum life.

Have Any Questions?

When in my pregnancy should I take this class?

You can take this class at any point during your pregnancy. Taking it in the second trimester is an ideal time, and you can always brush up against closer to your due date if you want a refresher.

Can't I just watch Youtube videos or find a free class?

You definitely can! Lots of breastfeeding content is not lead by a International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs). IBCLCs have the highest credential in the lactation world. Lex, who leads the classes, has helped hundreds of families over her career, and she works with new babies every day. Meanwhile, our content covers the full spectrum of what you need to know, without the overwhelm of too much stuff. You don’t have to piece together information or risk missing anything super important that you should know. It’s all in one place, with footage of real newborns–not dolls. Plus, we know it’s easy to get busy and sidetracked. That’s why we check in to encourage you to watch all the videos.

My friend/sister/cousin had a terrible breastfeeding experience. How can I avoid this situation?

Unfortunately, many parents in our culture do struggle with breastfeeding. Most new parents today have never seen breastfeeding a newborn happen up close (under a cover doesn’t count). No wonder it’s so hard—we’re flying blind! We created this class to help you understand why parents struggle, and teach you what to do to avoid being in that situation in the first place. And we teach you exactly what to do if you are struggling. Hearing horror stories can make you nervous. We’re here to help boost your confidence, effective immediately. You’ll feel better even after watching even the first few minutes of the class.

I am going to take a breastfeeding class at my hospital or elsewhere. Should I still take this class?

WThat’s great! However, here is a cautionary tale: My story is that I did take a breastfeeding class at my hospital before I was born. It did NOT help me, and I still struggled massively after my baby was born. Mighty Milk’s classes are designed in a way that helps parents learn all they need to know without overwhelming them. We use footage of real infants, not dolls. This is the class that helped me go from struggling with breastfeeding with my first baby to thriving with it with my second. Even if you did learn a lot from the class at your hospital, hearing information a few times in a few ways can make all the difference. It can even make the difference between whether or not breastfeeding goes smoothly for you. No parent has ever said, “I was too prepared to breastfeed my baby.”

What about getting help from a Lactation Consultant/ IBCLC?

Some parents will still need help from an IBCLC even after taking any breastfeeding class, and getting support if you need it is always important! This class can be extremely helpful in preparing you to get the most out of your appointment with an IBCLC, so you can ask better questions and better absorb the individual support you receive. It’s like learning the basics of a language, so you’re not starting from scratch when you have an appointment. You’ll also learn signs you should make sure to seek help from an IBCLC. However, because of the breadth of content this class covers, you will learn many things in the class that you will not during an appointment with an IBCLC.

I’m too busy to commit to this.

We get it, and no judgement! There’s probably A LOT going on in your life as you prepare to welcome your new baby. However, after your baby is born, there is nothing more important than making sure your baby is fed. It sounds much easier than it is in practice! If you struggle with feeding, coupled with your recovery from birth and the standard exhaustion of postpartum life, it can feel extremely jarring and even contribute to postpartum depression. We’ve boiled this class into the basics of what you need to know, without a bunch of extra stuff. So, make this a date night with your partner. Get some takeout or a cup of tea, get cozy on your couch, and spend an evening or two getting inspired about breastfeeding and bonding before your baby’s arrival.

How do I know if this class is worth the money?

Fair question! Here’s what we can tell you: human milk is magic. It is medicine for your baby, tailor made for them to protect them from illness and help them get better when they do get sick. It is the perfect food, designed to help them grow. It helps them develop a strong immune system, and lowers their risk of certain diseases. And nursing and pumping protects YOU too, lowering your risk of certain types of cancers. And despite all of this, scientists have just begun to unlock the secrets of human milk, recently discovering the presence of stem cells. But despite all of the incredible, innumerable benefits, feeding your baby is about more than milk. It’s also about how you *feel* about your new life with your baby. When feeding is going well, your transition to postpartum life can feel more peaceful and more rewarding. When you are caught off guard, and when you struggle, it can impact everything about how you feel about yourself, your life with your baby, and even your partner. What is growing your confidence and knowledge when it comes to feeding your baby worth to you? Only you can answer that question. If feeding your baby from your body is important to you, this class may just be a pretty great deal. It has been for many families like yours. And with a confidence-boost guarantee, you have nothing to lose.

I know myself and I might not follow through on watching the class.

You’ll get the most out of the class if you watch all of the videos, so we won’t let you fall through the cracks! We’ll check in with you regularly via email to encourage you to watch all of the videos.

Can I take the class with my partner/spouse/support person?

YES! Studies show that partner and family participation is one of the most important factors for breastfeeding success. We’ve heard from our customers that watching the class together allows both parents to feel inspired, excited, and on the same page about breastfeeding.

I'm not sure I want to breastfeed. Should I still take this class?

We support you in making any decision that is right for you and your family, with no judgement ever. Our class is geared towards mothers who are interested in breastfeeding. However, we’ve heard from customers who were unsure if they wanted to breastfeed. They reported that this class helped them feel better prepared if they did choose to breastfeed their baby, and in some cases, it inspired them to try it.

I'm pregnant with twins. Can I take this class?

Absolutely! This class teaches the fundamentals of breastfeeding that apply to both singles and multiples. However, you should also reach out to an IBCLC for personalized support.

What if I'm not satisfied?

To date, we’ve had a 0% return rate. If you finish the full class and you’re not satisfied, we’ll give you your money back, no questions asked, no hard time. We want you to be happy.

Here’s What You Get…

The Fundamentals

Get inspired by the many benefits of breastfeeding. Learn why many parents struggle with feeding, and find out how to best set yourself up for success.

11 Steps to Get Breastfeeding off to the Best Possible Start

The core class teaches you how to feed your baby. Easy to follow, quick to learn.

Eating Well While Breastfeeding

Important info about nutrition, coffee, alcohol, and caffeine. Plus, what to know about lactation cookies and similar products.

Products: What Is (and Isn’t) Recommended

Nursing bras and beyond.

What to Do If You Do Struggle with Breastfeeding

What to know if the early days feel difficult, plus risk factors for breastfeeding difficulties.

Get Two FREE Bonuses Mailed to You: A Free Milk Storage Magnet and a Breastfeeding Cheat Sheet with Key Reminders

Shipping address collected after purchase. US and Canada only.

Make Those Early Days Easier

Follow this three-step plan.

Step 1

Take the class at any point during your pregnancy.

Step 2

Feel more confident and knowledgeable.

Step 3

Apply the lessons starting at birth!

Lex Beach IBCLC

Mighty Milk’s customers rate us 5 out of 5 stars. But we want you to be happy! If you complete the class and don’t feel much more confident, we’ll give you a refund without giving you a hard time. 

Free Doula Class


 Mighty Milk is pleased to offer free access to doulas only. The FREE doula class covers all of the Breastfeeding / Bodyfeeding for Expectant Parents class PLUS some of the Breastfeeding Your Baby (0-12 Weeks class). Learn how to help families get breastfeeding, pumping, and bottle feeding off to a smooth start.


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